Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A pt 1

" This is John with BPN news and we interrupt this program to bring you this breaking news. Just hours ago citizens discovered a body right in front of our towns movie complex. In shock many calls were made to 911 describing the horrific scene...."


" It was just horrible.... It was like everything was in slow motion as I got closer to the body. The strange thing was their was no blood just his body as if.....he was drained of life...."( bursts into tears)

" When police arrived on the scene they cleared a space to examine the body before removing it. Police will not release the name of the victim or the cause of his death until a investigation is under way. In the meantime we advise citizens to stay in doors until the killer is found. Again this is John with BPN news and now back to your program."

       Ari grabbed the remote and shut the TV off. It was sad sims were starting to kill in daylight. No one was safe. ~ " Lock your doors"~ she said out loud to herself. It was bad enough outside wasn't safe anymore that was her only escape from living in hell. Adam. Even the thought of his name gave her chills. Ironic enough he was her husband. Young and dumb she met Adam at the towns fair back home in pleasant view. Caught by his bright orange hair reflecting the sun he walked over to her to introduce himself. The bumper cars didn't seem so important when she started talking to him. The conversation was great and the chemistry was high. That first talk led to three months of endless dating, and any waking moment of free time spent with each other. That is until she finally brought him home to meet her parents who didn't approve of him the moment they laid eyes on him. Like a foolish girl in love she ignored her parents warning that he was no good, but that only made her want to be with him more. Thus causing her spiral to self destruct. No longer was she making good grades or going to school like she should. Instead she was with him every chance she could get...sneaking out, drinking, and drugging. Love had blinded her from the fact that he was sucking the very life from her. With her parents fed up they did the wrong thing and forbidden her from seeing him. After one night of sneaking out they came up with a plan to run away together and get married. They did. To young to marry at the time they moved from place to place in fear of being found until she turned eighteen. After leaving the justice of the peace they ended up right here in Bridgeport. Where the smog kills you, muggers rob you, and rats become your best friend. With the little money they had left they found a ran down apartment. Home sweet home. With Adam believing the wife should stay home he went out to look for work everyday. But, no job will hire you without a high school diploma. Silly us. With no work coming in he would try to do side jobs like washing cars, or walking dogs.....and with that little money he spent on booze or drugs. One night after drinking started my hell...Adam frustrated with life took it out on me. The after math a black eye, busted lip, and countless bruises. What started out as a frequent hit turned into every night with him ending in a apology. As always she forgave him but what choice did she have he was all she knew. The door opened breaking her from her thoughts.......


  1. Interesting start, I can't wait to read more! You write pretty well, too :)

  2. Oh, that's too bad that Adam turned out to be an abusive husband. Hopefully she can figure out if she has a choice to leave him.
