Thursday, August 1, 2013

A pt 2

" Honey you scared me" she said with a sigh of relief when she saw it was Adam. Removing his jacket he threw it to the floor before going to the kitchen. " Scared of what?". " Didn't you hear...they found a body in front of the movie complex." Popping open the top to his beer he took a swig then responded. " Oh yeah they say who it was?". " No they wont release a name yet....How was work?"
Instantly she knew she said the wrong thing. His face went stoic. " I told you to never ask me about work! I'm not making enough money for you?" She crouched in fear of what was coming next. As always the rein of punches would began. He walked over to the couch facing her. " Please Adam I'm sorry please don't hurt me!" " Don't do this?" He grabbed her by the ankles and yanked her from the couch onto the floor making her hit her head. "Adam!" she screamed tears streaming from her eyes as she tried to break free. " Stupid bitch!" he yelled sending is palm across her face before dragging her to the door opening it. Finally letting go she tried to crawl away from him. With a heavy foot he kicked her out the door and slammed it shut.

    She laid on the dirty floor in tears trying to console herself. At times like this she wished she would have listened to her parents. With nothing else to do outside was her only option. Hopefully the killer got her next. Lifting to her feet she staggered over to the elevator.....

  Reaching the first floor the doors opened to a gentleman waiting to get on. Quickly fixing herself up she walked from the elevator only to be stopped. " Excuse me miss?" Turning around her eyes collided with the prettiest honey brown eyes ever. " Yes" she responded softly trying to swallow the lump in her throat. " Are you ok?" " I'm fine....just found out some news about my family is all. Ill be fine"

" I hope everything is fine really. Do you live in this building?" " Yeah on the top you?"
" I'm living on the sixth floor in apartment 1509. I'll be here for a few months until I finish my training; then its back to home base in Pleasant view." Her eyes grew wide. " I'm from Pleasant view too." " I never seen you before and I would surely remember you." " I left when I was issues." " I'm Lance and you are?" " Ari" she responded shaking his hand. Changing her mind she decided it was best to go back to Adam. " Nice meet-" " I really should be getting back to my apartment now...I'm sorry" Cutting him off she went to the elevator and pressed the button. " But you just came down stairs....."
~ "Ari"~ he whispered under his breath to himself as he watched the elevator doors close. Beauty wasn't the word to describe her. From her long jet black hair, big blue eyes, and beautiful even skin tone; she gripped his soul. There was something about her, but he could not figure it out. All he knew was that she was troubled and would do anything to help her even if it meant his last breath.......

1 comment:

  1. Oh this new guy! He seems to be having noble thoughts right now, that's great... =D
