Saturday, August 3, 2013

A pt 5

Ari arrived home to find the door open. " Adam! I'm home...I want to apologize for earlier." The apartment was to small to have to look for him. He wasn't home. Going to the bathroom she went to the mirror to fix herself up before he got home. Not long after she heard the door knob turn so she ran to greet him.
This was Bridgeport. Finally the trail ends here after so long of searching. Ari was so close yet far. What would she say? The important thing was she made it here.
" Adam your home! I wanted to apologize for yesterday." He stood still in place not saying a word. " I should have never done were only thinking about me." Still no words. " Adam say something please." Walking towards her anger danced on his face. " Don't ever leave me again!"
" I won't I'm sorry Adam!" " You want to know what will happen if you do it again!" " No please don't hit me!" She ran towards the bedroom to avoid the punches. No match for his long legs he caught up hitting her on the back of her head. A sharp pain filled her head as she fell to the floor by the bed.
Her vision foggy she watched as her husband the man that was suppose to love her get on top of her.
Without pause his hand wrapped around her neck. Tears streaming down she begged him to stop. Ari fought the best she could until she felt herself weaken. Life was slipping away. This was it. To die by the hands of the man she changed her whole life for. With no control her whole life flashed before her leading up to this very moment. Strange thing was the last person she thought about before everything went black was Lance.
Adam finally let go. Looking down he saw Ari under his weight looking lifeless. What did he do? It was as if he blacked out. Getting up screaming her name he gripped her in his arms. " Ari!! wake up please!! Ari!!".
Creed arrived to Ari's building. ~ " This is the place?" ~ she spoke out loud to herself. Somehow in her gut she knew this was the right. Hopefully Ari didn't take long to show. Then the faint sound of sirens began to ring. Not even in town two seconds and already some sim was being taken to the hospital.

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