Thursday, August 1, 2013

A pt 3

After an hour of waiting by the door he finally let her in. Defeated she walked to the bedroom to lay down. He soon followed going to the closet putting on clothes. " I'll be back I have a job to do." Without a word she let him leave. It felt as if the weight of the world was on her shoulders with no way out. Maybe she could run away? Where would she go? No money to get back home or even knowing a single person to turn to for help in town. Well there was Lance but why would he help her? Feeling that lump in her throat threating tears she closed her eyes tight and tried to remember a time when she was happy and didn't have a care in the world. Her thoughts soon turned to sleep.....
The sensation of her bladder being full woke Ari from her sound sleep. Looking at the clock beside the bed she saw it was 6:45 in the morning. Getting to her feet she made her way to the bathroom. Another human need soon reared its head. Hunger. Already knowing that there would be no food in the fridge she tried her luck. Nothing. Not even anything she could put together to make a meal. Her life was sad but she had no one to blame but herself. It was her choice to leave with him. Closing the door she went to watch TV. Not long after Adam walked in carrying bags. " I'm glad your up love. I have something for you." Maybe he was starting to come around. He dropped the bag in front of her. Without a word she opened the bag to find a beautiful red dress. " Oh Adam you bought this for me?" " That's not all look in the black box." Picking up the box she opened it to find a sparkling gold necklace. Jumping up she ran into his arms. " Thank you sweetie!" " No problem I been feeling bad about the pass few days." " Its beautiful". " Go try it on I want to see how you look" " OK!". Quickly she ran to the bathroom. Within minutes Ari came out gleaming. " So how do I look?". He stood to his feet. " You look beautiful. Just stick with me there is more where that came from." With a sly smile he moved all ten of his fingers. " You stole this didn't you?" she questioned.
Anger plastered all over his face. " And if I did who are you to question me?!" " You have me wearing another sims clothes! I deserve more then this!"
" I left my family for you and this is how you pay me back!...I can't believe you my parents were right about yo-" The sound of the his hand going across her face interrupted her rant.
" I've had enough of this! and you!" She ran to the bathroom to take off the clothes. " Where do you think your going?!" he spat dragging her back into the living room. " Away from you!" Without control her hand went across his face stunning him. Quickly taking advantage of the moment she made a run for the door.

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