Monday, August 5, 2013

A pt 8

" Are you ok?" A friendly voice asked. Creed looked up into the eyes of Ari. Finally she found her and she was here in the flesh. Like meeting your favorite celebrity. " I'm fine thank you." Ari helped her to her feet. " I just felt a sharp pain in my stomach." " Maybe you should go to the hospital...that's where I just came from." " Really why?" " I fell down some stairs." Creed knew that was a lie. " You should be more careful...I'm Creed." " Ari." They shook hands. " Nice meeting you Creed but I must be going now." She was about to walk away. " Wait Ari I'm new in town and I was wondering if you could show me around". " I don't know to much about Bridgeport myself." " Well we can find out about Bridgeport together." " Sure." Ari wondered why Creed was pushy to hangout. " Great we can meet here in about two hours." " Great." Creed walked out happy. Was she making a friend?
" Where is  Ari?" Kane asked Adam. " Oh she's coming up now." " Man you really don't love her do you?" " Ari....she is just a fall back person. I don't really want her anymore but I rather keep her then someone else having her." " Cold man". " What's with all the questions? Do you have your eye on her or something?" " No." " Alright then.

The sound of the bell rung. The doors opened to four demonic creatures in the form of sims. Slowly they walked from the elevator and entered Raven's apartment. " Thank you Crystal, Skylar, Laurie, Camden, and Nessa for joining me today. You all have been brought here to search for a member. The best of the best. As you all know Raven has escaped and I want her back. I don't care how long it takes....I want her found and killed."
Ari walked in the door quiet. She would never forgive her so called husband for putting her in the hospital. He was suppose to love her and the beatings were getting worse. With out a word she went to the room and laid down.


  1. Whoa this is so good! This story had me hooked from the moment I read it. It is so intriguing and I can't wait to find out what happened next.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Thank you so much that means alot
