Friday, August 2, 2013

A pt 4

" This is your place? I thought you stayed where I was." Following behind her he made a face. " About that...I couldn't stay there when I found out my training would be for a I didn't really care about my surroundings." She never seen so many beautiful things in one place. " Lance this is truly beautiful." " You can stay however long you like." This is your view?! You wake up to this every morning?" She stepped outside on the balcony to take in the city.
" Its so amazing!". " You can see everything from here."
" I want to thank you again for back there at the bridge. You really saved my life." " I would do it a million times really." She grabbed his hands. " And that shouldn't have happened. I'm sorry." Maybe she didn't feel what he felt. " No it was my fault but it won't happen again." " I am still married." He let go not wanting to push his limits. " Are you tired or hungry?" " Tell you the truth I'm a bit of both." " Well how about I treat you to the spa and then out to eat." " Lance really that's sweet but that would be taking advantage." " If I'm offering then your not trust me you deserve this." " Lance." " No is not a option Ari". " Fine."
 The spa was more then she could ever ask for.
" Sorry about that bladder calls" she smiled taking a seat. " How do you feel?". " Like I could sleep for a thousand years". It was good to hear her laugh. She stopped when she saw he was looking at her. " What?" " Its just nice to see you smile. You must not know how beautiful you are." " I haven't heard that in a long time." " Can I ask you a question?" " Sure". " Why are you married to him if he beats you?" " Knew that was coming... Adam is all I know. I met him when I was a teen and I fell in love with the devil. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about leaving him for good but then I remember I'm all he has. His parents left him and never came back so I am his family. And I know if I left him....he would die." " But don't you value your life? I mean what if the next time he wont use his hands and its something else? I don't want to lose you Ari" His words stunned her. Maybe being this close to him wasn't a good thing. " Maybe I should get back home now and check on him." " I'm sorry Ari but in this little bit of time I have come to care for you." In her heart she felt the same way but she knew this was wrong. " Lance we have to end this before things get to far." " What! I promise I won't say anything else about it...just please stay in my life!" he practically screamed getting attention from everyone outside. " I'm sorry Lance." In a hurry she got up from the table and ran off.....
" Hello". " Ms. Youngblood you fooled me again." " Master I did the job like you asked." " Yes leaving behind a trail of bodies in your wake! I'm watching your handy work on the news now." She walked over to the TV turning it on. " Your a threat to our world we are not to be known." " But I disposed of the victim." " Silence! You have done enough! I think you know what this means...." The line went dead. Looking around in fear she wondered if he was in her apartment....
In panic she walked around trying to see if she could find him. " Looking for me?" She paused scared of what would happen next. " I must say I will never figure out why they play this...foot-ball. I should have trusted Nessa about you. But we wont have this problem anymore will we?" " ...." He laughed. Her body was frozen. " Hell got your tongue?" Standing to his feet walking over to her he laughed some more until coming face to face with her. " A thousand years give or take..." Within a blink of an eye he was gone leaving her stuck. Then a burning sensation started at her feet working its way up engulfing every inch of her body.....
She wanted to scream from the pain but she had no voice. This would be her prison but not for long............


  1. Wow that last picture was really awesome. =D

  2. Thank you! It means a lot that your reading my blog and leaving comments
