Thursday, August 1, 2013

A pt 3 ext....

Raven flew down into a park in the middle of town. She never knew why sims loved to take midnight strolls. Never the less it made her job easier. Taking one last look at the photo she stuffed it down into her shirt before laying eyes on the next victim. Tonight the thirst was real like never before....

In a rush Ari bumped into Lance in the hallway but now was not the time for conversation. She needed to get out and fast. " Ari wait!" he called behind her.
Without pause as soon as the elevator doors opened she ran in and quickly pressed the button for the first floor. Where she was going? She didn't know nor did she care. This was not the life she was suppose to live. Anything had to be better then this. A sigh of relief escaped her lips when the doors closed.
This is what her life would come to. Her ending it by jumping off the bridge. Tomorrow she would be making headlines. "ARI WAIT!!!!"
Lance had followed behind her finally catching up. Out of breath he spoke " Please don't do this Ari".
" Why not I have nothing to live for anymore" she said in between sobs. " Yes you do Ari believe me it gets better." " How would you know! Do you even know why I'm standing on this bridge right now?"
" No but whatever it is let me help." " Why are you so willing to help a complete stranger?" " Because you look like you need someone to lean on...the world can get pretty heavy on your shoulders when your facing it alone." " The world doesn't work that way...there are no good sims left." " If you could just let me help you and prove that I don't want to harm you." " You want to know my story then husband beats me!" He grew silent soaking in the information. " You see now run like everybody else!" " If you thought you telling me that would change how I see you as a sim your wrong...what bothers me is that fact that such a beautiful flower has to endure so much pain." His words stung right to her heart. Kind words only seemed like a dream. " You mean that?" " Every word Ari. Please let me be a friend and help you whenever you need but under one condition." " What's that?" " If you would please walk off this bridge with me and if you need to you can stay with me." His gesture had to be one of sweetest things anyone has ever done for her. " Thank you"
She felt so right being in his arms. At this very moment he knew that she would be in his life for a long time. Even if she was married he could not deny the connection he felt with this sim. Wonder if she could feel it too? After what felt to be forever in time both of them began to release the other slowly. With arms still wrapped around each other they locked eyes. As if reading one's mind their faces moved closer to the other. The beat of each other's heart quickened as their lips engraved to one another. At last two souls found a home.....


  1. The bridge scene has to be one of my favorite scenes. I love how everything came together along with the words.
