Thursday, August 8, 2013

A pt 9

Crystal was the last to arrive for the hunt of Raven. " Sorry I'm late I had a few loose ends I had to tie up." Nessa greeted her. " No worries your here now." Demos walked up to greet her as well. " Any ideas as to where she is?" Crystal asked. " We know that she is still here in town." " Great when do we look for her?" " Skylar and Laurie are out tracking now. We are going in pairs" Demos responded stoic. " Is brother here?" " Yes Camden is in slumber he will be happy to see you."
Spending the day with Creed Ari had to admit was fun. Coming out of the coffee shop they stopped to talk. " Bridgeport is quite a place" Creed said looking out on the town. " It's the kind of place you can get lost in fast." Creed didn't know what she meant by that. " How long have you lived out here?" " For a few years now but I pretty much stayed inside." " That's boring but I'm glad you came out today...seeing as though you just got out of hospital and all." " I had fun and besides I needed it after the night I had." " We should hang out again." Creed hoped she said yes. Her life depended on this. " Sure that would be fine." She screamed on the inside. " Here is my card call if you ever want to chat." Ari took the card reading the gold letters ~ Creed Laner ~. " Well it's getting late I should be getting home now." " Me too....It's so nice out...I just might walk home." " I'm taking the subway it gets dark pretty fast around here." " I'm a big girl" she smiled. They said goodbye and went their separate ways.
Raven walked down into a underground bar. Hoping she could go home for some things was a bust. She should have known Demos would have it covered. And to bring in out of town demons on her behalf. How special. " Hey Nikki." " If it isn't the devil herself. You know your name is becoming popular in the underworld." She took a seat. " Don't remind me. Bad enough I have Demos on my back now I'm homeless." Nikki laughed. " The big bad Raven talking like this...What is our world coming to?" " You know I always have something up my laced sleeve." They laughed. " What will it be?" " You ask me like you don't already know." " Death it will be." Raven watched as she prepared her blood. Mind reeling she asked ~ " How would you feel about a roommate?" ~
As Creed walked that pain started to creep up on her again. She could feel her heart began to race wildly as a heat began to rise making her sweaty. What was this sensation? Light headed she stopped in her tracks. Out of no where that gut wrenching pain shot to through her stomach. Instead of losing her breath this time a nasty bile came from the pit of her stomach causing her to hurl. Slowly the pain faded as her body went back to normal as if nothing happened. Did she catch a bug? Maybe she should go see doc after all. She made her mind up to make a appointment for first thing in the morning.
" Where is your head tonight?" Emmy asked Lance. " I'm sorry I just have a lot on my mind". " You have a good way of hiding it." This was a mistake he should have never agreed to go this date with her. He thought this would get mind off of Ari but it only made things worse. He knew just what he wanted and Emmy wasn't it. " It was a joke you know....haha". " Emmy I had fun with you today but I don't think this is a good time to date right now. I have a lot to deal with at the moment." She looked defeated. " Please...this is the last thing I wanted to do was hurt your feelings, but I feel like I'm just hurting you more by not giving you my attention." " Your right. This is why I like you. Your so honest." " I'm glad you understand." " You have my number. Just call me when your free....Of course I won't wait forever." He smiled. " Thank you." " At least walk me to my car." He did just that giving her a hug goodbye before walking to his. If Ari was meant to be he would see her again. And if he did she would not get away for a second time.
The Next Day
Adam woke Ari up early that morning to send her to the store to pick up a few things. He wanted her to cook breakfast for his men. His men she hated everything about them. The fact that they were always around and leaving a mess. She wondered how long Adam would be in this funny business he was in. As her mind wondered to other things she bumped into something solid. Looking up into those familiar eyes she stepped back stunned. Lance. They stood in silence for a moment just soaking each other in........

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