Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A pt 12

Ari watched as Creed walked up. The closer she got the more she realized how bloated she looked. What was wrong with her? " Hey Ari." " Hey how are you?" " Heavy." " What was this news about?" " I have something to tell you...I don't really know anybody else to tell." Ari was anxious. " What?" " Remember when you helped to my feet that day in your lobby?" " Yeah." " Well I went to the doctors today and found out I'm pregnant." " Congrats! That's such great news!" Her smile faded from view when she realized Creed was not as happy. " You don't understand this baby was made from a one night stand. I was not ready for a child but I couldn't get rid of it." " Creed a baby is still a blessing no matter how it was made......your not happy?" " I'm just worried. Everything is happening so fast. Look at me.....that one night stand a few a days ago and already I have a little bump. This is not suppose to happen so fast is it?" Ari noticed the bump. " Well maybe it's different for everybody. I will be here if you need my help. I love kids." " I was hoping you say that. Thank you." They hugged. " Why did we meet at the movies again?" " I just want to get my mind off things for a while. In times like this I would drink but I can't." " What do you want to see?" " Anything."
( After the movies)
Ari walked out before Creed waiting for her to use the bathroom. She was surprised to see Kane standing out front. " Well if it isn't miss hide and go seek herself" Kane smirked walking to her. " What do you want Kane?" " I have been looking for you all day today seeing as though you never came inside." " Your kidding my own husband won't even look for me." She laughed in disbelief. " I'm just following orders. Come on lets go." " No, I'm busy at the moment." " Don't make me force you." " Kane don't you see what's going on at home. Why would you want me to go back there?" " Your husband pays me not you." He grabbed her arm tight. " Let go of me!" " Hey!" Creed injected coming out. " Let go of her!" Kane was stunned by her beauty. " And who are you suppose to be?" " I'm Creed Ari's friend." Kane let Ari go. " Is she the reason you don't go home?" " Yes, I made a friend its not like Adam is home to care anyway" she lied. " I'll let you keep your arm if Creed gives me her number." " Excuse me?" Creed was dumbfounded. " You heard me your number or I'm taking her back home. Give me the number and I'll tell Adam I didn't see you." Creed began to laugh thinking it was a joke. He was dead serious. " Alright, alright here." She handed him her card. Kane smiled putting it in his pocket. " Good day ladies." They watched as he walked away. " Ari who was that?" " One of my husbands workers....long story." " Please share, I just gave my number to a stranger."

" Raven sorry I'm late." " No worries your finally here. Are you being followed?" " No they don't know that I left." " Good." She turned to face him. " I need your help Camden and your the only one that can help." " Raven haven't I already helped enough you said if I let you out we would be together." " You betrayed your cult and I disobeyed....there is no way we can be happy together if we have Demos on our backs. Once he finds out about us your dead for sure." She was right. " Well what do you want me to do?" " We need to kill him slowly along with the main heads." " of the main heads are my sister and she is the only family I have left." She grabbed his face looking at him sweetly. " Camden your sister is only going to forbid you to love me, with her gone then we can really be happy." " I don't know about this we have already done enough." " Were just getting started. You and I can rule the underworld aren't you tired of taking orders. Just picture yourself in Demos shoes telling other weak minded clueless demons what to do." He could picture it and what a scene it was. " I can see it but not without my sister." " Look we wasted enough time being out here in the open like this. I'll be leaving town for a few days to take care of some business. Just give it some thought and meet me back by moonlight in three days. I can do this with or without you but I prefer you with me." Slowly she planted a kiss on lips awakening every part of him.
Kane walked into Adams building to find him standing in the lobby. " Boss man no luck finding the wife. I don't know where she could have gotten off to." Before he could respond he was interrupted by Nicki. " So you stand me up for this bullshit!" Nicki wobbled in with her stomach leading the way. " I waited for you! what happened?" " I'm sorry Nicki something came up." " These drugs are more important then your unborn child?!" He grew silent. " Well since that's the case don't worry about coming to the hospital when the child is born!" " Nicki please stop this...I'm working to support you two and you know that!" " Me and my baby can make it on our own without your filthy money." With that final statement she walked out getting into her car. Adam grew angry. Ari was M.I.A and Nicki was walking out on him. He was losing control and fast. That he did not like. " I need Ari here!" he punched the wall putting a hole in. Kane watched him in disbelief. Kane wanted to only to say only because he could beat her, but that was not his place or his woman.
" Tonight me Nessa and Crystal will search." Demos said to the others. " Where is brother?" " No time we must go before dawn breaks." As they were walking out Camden came in. " I'll catch up Demos I must ask brother a question." " Make it quick." Watching them disappear she pulled Cam to the side. " What is going on with you?" " What do you mean Crystal?" " You have been acting strange there something I should know?" " Why are you on my case like your my mother." Her hand went across his face. " Never disrespect our mother like that you know I only care about you and I worry." " It's nothing" " If it's nothing then why did I find this in your belongings?" She pulled out the key to Raven's cell. " You were in my things?!" He snatched the key putting it in his pocket. " If you have something to tell me then spill. Our necks are on the lines and were the only of our kind left." He was silent. " Look after our hunt tonight we will talk about this. I can never just trust you to stay out of trouble." She left to meet the others.
Finally reaching her apartment Creed went to the bathroom to view herself. This pregnancy was taking a toll on her body. The weight picked up some and her skin looked worn; flushed. Putting a hand to her stomach she wondered if it was a boy or girl. Then images of a mini her running around danced around in her head causing her to smile. At least she had the support of Ari. With her she would face this pregnancy with a brave face. Then that gut wrenching feeling came back. Quickly she rushed over to the toilet to throw up. After what felt like forever that she was hunched over she slid to the floor leaning against the wall. Pulling up her shirt she looked at her stomach in shock. Creed could hear a faint thud like the sound of a heart beat. Was she hearing things? Then right before her eyes a red light began to pulsate underneath her skin. What was this? Maybe she was just tired. Leaning her head back with heavy eyes she fell asleep.

Ari arrived back to Lance's apartment. Today was a long day. Hitting the button the elevator doors opened to Lance. " Ari I was just about to come looking for you." " Why?" " To see if you where ok but your here now. Room for one more" Smiling she entered the elevator placing a hand on his shoulder. He was where she belonged. Never was she so happy as she was with him.
To engrossed into each other neither Lance or Ari saw man standing there watching them before the doors closed.
Adam paced the floor wondering what he was going to do to get things back in control with the women in his life. A knock sounded at his door. It was 2:30 in the morning. He answered it to find another one of his workers West standing there. " You know your not allowed to knock on my door pass midnight right." " And I wouldn't unless it was important." Adam let him in. " This will only take a second. Your wife Ari I found her." " Where is she?" " With a guy he looks to be in the military. I saw them real close getting on the elevator over on Highland street." Anger wasn't the word to describe what Adam felt at this moment.........

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