Sunday, August 4, 2013

A pt 6

Adam paced the floor waiting for his worker arrival. ( Kane walked in) " Good your back what did the doctors say...she dead?" " No she's fine but you did knock her out good. She should be up by tomorrow...good thing you let her go when you did or she would be dead." Kane took a seat turning the TV on. " I thought we would have to be on the run. The organization can not use a death so close to the inside." " Does Ari even know about us?" " No and I want to keep it that way. I have her believing I'm looking for work. You don't know how bad I want to spend in getting another place but I don't need her questioning me." " You may need to move know now. Your name is buzzing in the streets."
Something wasn't right he could feel it. Why did he have to open his big mouth to Ari and chase her off. She would have been here right now playing darts with him. Hell living with him. At least he would know she was safe. Lance threw his last dart to the floor deciding to give up the game hoping it would get his mind off of Ari but it didn't help. Maybe some sleep would help.
Needing a drink Creed went to the nearest bar called Waylon's. She needed a stiff drink after her long flight. The place wasn't to live with people. Taking a seat at the bar she pulled out some papers with Ari's information. " What can I get you miss?" the bartender asked. " I'm not sure what's in town." " Big mistake." " Big mistake what?" He laughed. " No we have a drink called Big mistake." " Why do you call it that?" " Once you drink it you wish you didn't. Its real popular around here with the men but I don't think you could handle it." Creed never liked to be told what she couldn't do. " I'll take the Big Mistake then." The bartender walked away shaking his head.
Going through her papers looking at Ari she was interrupted by a gentlemen. " Seat taken?" She looked up to a very sickly pale man in black. The creak from the old door when you come in would have surely signaled his presence. Strange. " Oh no have a seat." Smoothly he sat down leaning on the bar. " So what are you drinking on tonight?". " Something called a Big Mistake." The Bartender then came back with her drink. The drink was multicolored. " Here's your drink." " Maybe this was a big mistake" she said giving the glass a awkward stare. Both men laughed. " What will it be?" " I'll take what she's having. Again the bartender was gone. " I have never seen you here before you must be new." " I just got in town not to long ago." " What brings you here to the big B." " Looking for a friend. I have not seen her in a while" she lied. " I knew it had to be a reason sims don't move to the B by choice." " That's a little harsh for your hometown." " Bridgeport?...No I come from some place far away." She took a sip of the drink making a face. " The drink to strong for you?" " No it's actually pretty good." " I didn't catch your name." " Creed and you are?" " Demos." They shook hands.
A few Big Mistakes later somehow ended up with them back at her apartment. Now she knew why they called it big mistake. This was so wrong on so many levels but it had been awhile since she had a trip to the bed. This was what she needed. When he laid her down on the bed all of her thoughts went away.....
Ari opened her eyes to bright light shining. Was she dead? Looking around she realized she was not home. " Ahh Mrs. Downs your up. How do you feel?" A doctor asked walking in. Trying to get up a massive pounding ringed in her head causing her to lay back down. " You might want to rest a while your still recovering." " Recovering from what?" She then remembered the events that took place. " Your friend brought you in and said you slipped and feel down some stairs." That was a joke. " I'm I ok?" " You will be fine. I just want to run a few more test to see if that nasty fall triggered anything. Before you go I'll give you some pills that you can take in case the head ache does not go away. In the meantime just relax and get some sleep. Try to be careful next time." How could happen. Here she was in the hospital because of her husband. Then Lance's words danced in her head. He was right. Maybe next time she won't be so lucky. Lance. She missed him. 

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