Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A pt 13 preview

    " Hey!" Creed called walking up to Ari. " Hey". They hugged. " How have you been Cree?" " Good just trying to relax some." " Yeah how has the pregnancy been so far? I feel like the worse friend ever." " Oh no it's going to be fine... nothing big....just the regular" she lied. Her pregnancy was not normal at all. " I have just been busy is all" Ari said interrupting her thoughts. " Kane called me Ari and told me everything that's going on." " What do you mean?" " Kane told me all about Adam and what he does to you. I called you here today to tell you that wherever you are you need to be careful. He is looking for you and he knows about Lance." Ari was stunned. So much of her personal business was thrown in her face. " I can't believe you!" " I only asked you here to warn you Ari! he is angry! I'm only trying to be a good friend." " Good friend? A good friend doesn't listen to her business unless it's comes from her mouth!" " You just need time to cool off." " No Creed stay away from me. I knew I should have never trusted you. Your to close to him." " Who?" " Adam! your probably running back to him!" " No I'm not I swear." Ari just stared at her. " I'm only warning you just watch your back!" " Stay away from me." Creed watched as Ari walked away. How was she going to report back when she just lost all progress with her.


MORE MORE MORE!!! It's back!

ABYSS is back and tonight I'm just going to do a preview of what's to come.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Chapter 1 comes to a close but its not the end. Strangely enough I came up with this series at work but I love how everything is turning out. I would love if you could leave comments and let me know what you think. Like who your favorite or least favorite character is, or what you think is going to happen next. I do want to thank everybody who took the time out to read my blog. I hope you have enjoyed Chapter 1 and keep checking in for Chapter 2.     =) Blacink

A pt 12

Ari watched as Creed walked up. The closer she got the more she realized how bloated she looked. What was wrong with her? " Hey Ari." " Hey how are you?" " Heavy." " What was this news about?" " I have something to tell you...I don't really know anybody else to tell." Ari was anxious. " What?" " Remember when you helped to my feet that day in your lobby?" " Yeah." " Well I went to the doctors today and found out I'm pregnant." " Congrats! That's such great news!" Her smile faded from view when she realized Creed was not as happy. " You don't understand this baby was made from a one night stand. I was not ready for a child but I couldn't get rid of it." " Creed a baby is still a blessing no matter how it was made......your not happy?" " I'm just worried. Everything is happening so fast. Look at me.....that one night stand a few a days ago and already I have a little bump. This is not suppose to happen so fast is it?" Ari noticed the bump. " Well maybe it's different for everybody. I will be here if you need my help. I love kids." " I was hoping you say that. Thank you." They hugged. " Why did we meet at the movies again?" " I just want to get my mind off things for a while. In times like this I would drink but I can't." " What do you want to see?" " Anything."
( After the movies)
Ari walked out before Creed waiting for her to use the bathroom. She was surprised to see Kane standing out front. " Well if it isn't miss hide and go seek herself" Kane smirked walking to her. " What do you want Kane?" " I have been looking for you all day today seeing as though you never came inside." " Your kidding my own husband won't even look for me." She laughed in disbelief. " I'm just following orders. Come on lets go." " No, I'm busy at the moment." " Don't make me force you." " Kane don't you see what's going on at home. Why would you want me to go back there?" " Your husband pays me not you." He grabbed her arm tight. " Let go of me!" " Hey!" Creed injected coming out. " Let go of her!" Kane was stunned by her beauty. " And who are you suppose to be?" " I'm Creed Ari's friend." Kane let Ari go. " Is she the reason you don't go home?" " Yes, I made a friend its not like Adam is home to care anyway" she lied. " I'll let you keep your arm if Creed gives me her number." " Excuse me?" Creed was dumbfounded. " You heard me your number or I'm taking her back home. Give me the number and I'll tell Adam I didn't see you." Creed began to laugh thinking it was a joke. He was dead serious. " Alright, alright here." She handed him her card. Kane smiled putting it in his pocket. " Good day ladies." They watched as he walked away. " Ari who was that?" " One of my husbands workers....long story." " Please share, I just gave my number to a stranger."

" Raven sorry I'm late." " No worries your finally here. Are you being followed?" " No they don't know that I left." " Good." She turned to face him. " I need your help Camden and your the only one that can help." " Raven haven't I already helped enough you said if I let you out we would be together." " You betrayed your cult and I disobeyed....there is no way we can be happy together if we have Demos on our backs. Once he finds out about us your dead for sure." She was right. " Well what do you want me to do?" " We need to kill him slowly along with the main heads." " Wait...one of the main heads are my sister and she is the only family I have left." She grabbed his face looking at him sweetly. " Camden your sister is only going to forbid you to love me, with her gone then we can really be happy." " I don't know about this we have already done enough." " Were just getting started. You and I can rule the underworld aren't you tired of taking orders. Just picture yourself in Demos shoes telling other weak minded clueless demons what to do." He could picture it and what a scene it was. " I can see it but not without my sister." " Look we wasted enough time being out here in the open like this. I'll be leaving town for a few days to take care of some business. Just give it some thought and meet me back by moonlight in three days. I can do this with or without you but I prefer you with me." Slowly she planted a kiss on lips awakening every part of him.
Kane walked into Adams building to find him standing in the lobby. " Boss man no luck finding the wife. I don't know where she could have gotten off to." Before he could respond he was interrupted by Nicki. " So you stand me up for this bullshit!" Nicki wobbled in with her stomach leading the way. " I waited for you! what happened?" " I'm sorry Nicki something came up." " These drugs are more important then your unborn child?!" He grew silent. " Well since that's the case don't worry about coming to the hospital when the child is born!" " Nicki please stop this...I'm working to support you two and you know that!" " Me and my baby can make it on our own without your filthy money." With that final statement she walked out getting into her car. Adam grew angry. Ari was M.I.A and Nicki was walking out on him. He was losing control and fast. That he did not like. " I need Ari here!" he punched the wall putting a hole in. Kane watched him in disbelief. Kane wanted to only to say only because he could beat her, but that was not his place or his woman.
" Tonight me Nessa and Crystal will search." Demos said to the others. " Where is brother?" " No time we must go before dawn breaks." As they were walking out Camden came in. " I'll catch up Demos I must ask brother a question." " Make it quick." Watching them disappear she pulled Cam to the side. " What is going on with you?" " What do you mean Crystal?" " You have been acting strange lately....is there something I should know?" " Why are you on my case like your my mother." Her hand went across his face. " Never disrespect our mother like that you know I only care about you and I worry." " It's nothing" " If it's nothing then why did I find this in your belongings?" She pulled out the key to Raven's cell. " You were in my things?!" He snatched the key putting it in his pocket. " If you have something to tell me then spill. Our necks are on the lines and were the only of our kind left." He was silent. " Look after our hunt tonight we will talk about this. I can never just trust you to stay out of trouble." She left to meet the others.
Finally reaching her apartment Creed went to the bathroom to view herself. This pregnancy was taking a toll on her body. The weight picked up some and her skin looked worn; flushed. Putting a hand to her stomach she wondered if it was a boy or girl. Then images of a mini her running around danced around in her head causing her to smile. At least she had the support of Ari. With her she would face this pregnancy with a brave face. Then that gut wrenching feeling came back. Quickly she rushed over to the toilet to throw up. After what felt like forever that she was hunched over she slid to the floor leaning against the wall. Pulling up her shirt she looked at her stomach in shock. Creed could hear a faint thud like the sound of a heart beat. Was she hearing things? Then right before her eyes a red light began to pulsate underneath her skin. What was this? Maybe she was just tired. Leaning her head back with heavy eyes she fell asleep.

Ari arrived back to Lance's apartment. Today was a long day. Hitting the button the elevator doors opened to Lance. " Ari I was just about to come looking for you." " Why?" " To see if you where ok but your here now. Room for one more" Smiling she entered the elevator placing a hand on his shoulder. He was where she belonged. Never was she so happy as she was with him.
To engrossed into each other neither Lance or Ari saw man standing there watching them before the doors closed.
Adam paced the floor wondering what he was going to do to get things back in control with the women in his life. A knock sounded at his door. It was 2:30 in the morning. He answered it to find another one of his workers West standing there. " You know your not allowed to knock on my door pass midnight right." " And I wouldn't unless it was important." Adam let him in. " This will only take a second. Your wife Ari I found her." " Where is she?" " With a guy he looks to be in the military. I saw them real close getting on the elevator over on Highland street." Anger wasn't the word to describe what Adam felt at this moment.........

Monday, August 12, 2013

A pt 11

Ari eyes wondered to Lance while he was In the shower. He was best she ever had. Amazing was the only way to describe him. This was where she needed to be. " I wish you would have taken your shower with me" Lance said stepping out. " I didn't want to wake you. Thank you for doing this for me." " You know I will do anything." " I don't want to go back Lance....I'm tired of the beatings." " We can worry about that later. I want to take you somewhere." " Where?" " Down to the lake and we can have a picnic." " That sounds great."
Creed walked in her home in a trance. Slowly she walked to the couch taking a seat. There was life growing inside her. What should she do now? Never did she plan having a baby under these circumstances. But getting rid of the baby was not an option she didn't believe in that. Now she would have to buy baby clothes, supplies, and watched what she ate. Already she was in mommy mode. The only thing wrong about this was the fact her child did not have a father. Created from a one night stand. Could she even bring herself to find this man and tell him?
" You know much about my life but I don't really know about yours". " What do you want to know?" " Do you have any kids back home?" " No, I'm waiting for the right one to have them with." " You said them. How many do you want?" she smiled. " I'm the only child in my family and growing up I always wanted a big family. I really don't have a limit as to how many I want but I want them with one." " I never dreamed of having kids." " Why not?" " I never thought Adam wanted a child so I never had plans for it." " So if we ever become more then this will you have my kids?" " Yes" she let out without control. He smiled. Then like a cloak silence covered them. " I feel like a swim" he said breaking the awkwardness. " A swim?" " Yes". Ari watched as Lance stripped the clothes from his beautiful body and walk into the crisp water. " Care to join me?"
She took off her shoes putting her feet in. It was a sight to see his body move so carefree in the water. " You have to get all the way in or I'm coming to you." " No we are not suppose to be in here." " Who is going to find out? Live a little". He dove under water and began to swim. Slowly she began to remove her dress. Live a little.
" Crystal you and Camden are to take first shift tonight." " Will do queen." Nessa could feel something was not right with her. " What is wrong my child?" " It's Camden he's been acting strange lately. I just worry about him." " As you should be he's your brother. He will be alright though." Nessa walked away to meet with Demos. If Camden was alright she would have never found the key to Raven's chamber in his box. How could her brother betray the cult like this? Putting away the key she went into the back room.
" This is crazy!" Ari screamed loving the way the water felt. " No this called having fun!" He swimed over to her looking into her eyes. " I'll remember this moment forever." Never had she experienced such words in her life. What was he doing to her? Raising her hand to his face he closed his eyes. " Lance I love you." It was as if the world stop turning and nothing was around them. " Ari I loved you ever since I first laid eyes on you." This moment changed everything. To late to turn back now they kissed sealing each others fate.
Adam paced back and fourth. " You called?" Kane walked in taking a seat. " Yes I need you to do something for me." " What's that?" " I need you to go find Ari and bring her back here. She knows better then to wonder off." " Where did you last see her?" " Out front but she never came back in." Kane stood to his feet. " I will go find her now." Again Adam was alone with his thoughts. Vibrating in his pocket jolted him back to reality. It was his phone. " Hello?" " Honey you finally answer my call." " Nicki, I'm sorry just really busy lately." " I know I just wanted to know if you wanted to go the doctors with me today for my check up? The baby is really getting big" " What time is the appointment?" " In about an hour at four." " I'll be there to pick you up."
Ari and Lance made it back to his place to clean up. " You want to take a shower with me this time?" " I would love to." Before she could follow up behind her phone rang that Lance bought for her today. Who could be calling her already. She saw it was Creed. Ari forgot she texted her earlier. " Hello?" " Ari I'm glad I can reach you. We need to talk" " About what?" " I have some news and I don't know what to do. I need your help. Are you busy?" Ari looked up the stairs and heard the shower. " I guess I can talk." " No...can you meet at the movies. I need something to get my minds off things for a while." " Sure what time?" " Let's meet around six." " Ok see you then." " Thank you Ari." The line went dead. " You ok?" Lance asked walking down the stairs. " I'm fine is it ok if I leave you for a few hours?" " You never have to ask me to do anything." " My friend sounds like she is in trouble." " Let me know if you need anything." " How about that shower first".

Sunday, August 11, 2013

A pt 10

" Brother what happened?" " What do you mean?" " With Raven you were to watch her." " She escaped before it was my shift to watch her." " Something doesn't feel right about this." " Why are you so worried about it?" " Because things can get messy....I believe she has a inside man." Camden looked off. " Look whatever you do don't let her get to you. Raven is dangerous, besides your all the family I have left." " I won't trust me." To late.
Ari walked back to the apartment forgetting all about the food. When she realized it she was back home with Adam standing out front. He watched as a black car pulled off. Coming in slowly she feared what was going to happen next. " Where is the food?" " I forgot t-" He smacked her hard across the face. " Dumb bitch what are you good for?" She wanted to cry but what good would it do. Leaving her alone he went back inside. This was it.
Lance was surprised to hear a knock at the door. Answering it he found it was Ari. " Ari what are you doing here?" " I don't know Lance but I need you." Music to his ears. " Come in". She walked in taking a seat on the couch. " Are you ok?" he asked taking a seat across from her. " I'm fine" she lied. " I thought I never see you again after today." " I'm just confused in what I want." " You know how I feel about you now but I respect your marriage." " Lance what if I asked you to forget all of your morals for just a hour." " And I would ask you why?" Getting up Ari began to pace the floor. " I need something from you that I have not had in a while." He stood up confused. Before any words could part his lips she kissed him full force. Weak, he kissed her back knowing just where her head was.

This was just what she needed.
Creed anxiously waited for the doctor to come back into the room. Would he have good news or bad news. What was wrong with her? The door knob turned breaking her from her thoughts. " Ms. Laner your as healthy as a horse." " Then what is going on with me?" she needed answers. " Well I'm glad to tell you.....your pregnant." After hearing those words Creed went deaf. Pregnant? So soon. This couldn't be not now not like this. How could she care for a child when her own life was in shambles. Who was she last with? Demos....

Thursday, August 8, 2013

A pt 9

Crystal was the last to arrive for the hunt of Raven. " Sorry I'm late I had a few loose ends I had to tie up." Nessa greeted her. " No worries your here now." Demos walked up to greet her as well. " Any ideas as to where she is?" Crystal asked. " We know that she is still here in town." " Great when do we look for her?" " Skylar and Laurie are out tracking now. We are going in pairs" Demos responded stoic. " Is brother here?" " Yes Camden is in slumber he will be happy to see you."
Spending the day with Creed Ari had to admit was fun. Coming out of the coffee shop they stopped to talk. " Bridgeport is quite a place" Creed said looking out on the town. " It's the kind of place you can get lost in fast." Creed didn't know what she meant by that. " How long have you lived out here?" " For a few years now but I pretty much stayed inside." " That's boring but I'm glad you came out today...seeing as though you just got out of hospital and all." " I had fun and besides I needed it after the night I had." " We should hang out again." Creed hoped she said yes. Her life depended on this. " Sure that would be fine." She screamed on the inside. " Here is my card call if you ever want to chat." Ari took the card reading the gold letters ~ Creed Laner ~. " Well it's getting late I should be getting home now." " Me too....It's so nice out...I just might walk home." " I'm taking the subway it gets dark pretty fast around here." " I'm a big girl" she smiled. They said goodbye and went their separate ways.
Raven walked down into a underground bar. Hoping she could go home for some things was a bust. She should have known Demos would have it covered. And to bring in out of town demons on her behalf. How special. " Hey Nikki." " If it isn't the devil herself. You know your name is becoming popular in the underworld." She took a seat. " Don't remind me. Bad enough I have Demos on my back now I'm homeless." Nikki laughed. " The big bad Raven talking like this...What is our world coming to?" " You know I always have something up my laced sleeve." They laughed. " What will it be?" " You ask me like you don't already know." " Death it will be." Raven watched as she prepared her blood. Mind reeling she asked ~ " How would you feel about a roommate?" ~
As Creed walked that pain started to creep up on her again. She could feel her heart began to race wildly as a heat began to rise making her sweaty. What was this sensation? Light headed she stopped in her tracks. Out of no where that gut wrenching pain shot to through her stomach. Instead of losing her breath this time a nasty bile came from the pit of her stomach causing her to hurl. Slowly the pain faded as her body went back to normal as if nothing happened. Did she catch a bug? Maybe she should go see doc after all. She made her mind up to make a appointment for first thing in the morning.
" Where is your head tonight?" Emmy asked Lance. " I'm sorry I just have a lot on my mind". " You have a good way of hiding it." This was a mistake he should have never agreed to go this date with her. He thought this would get mind off of Ari but it only made things worse. He knew just what he wanted and Emmy wasn't it. " It was a joke you know....haha". " Emmy I had fun with you today but I don't think this is a good time to date right now. I have a lot to deal with at the moment." She looked defeated. " Please...this is the last thing I wanted to do was hurt your feelings, but I feel like I'm just hurting you more by not giving you my attention." " Your right. This is why I like you. Your so honest." " I'm glad you understand." " You have my number. Just call me when your free....Of course I won't wait forever." He smiled. " Thank you." " At least walk me to my car." He did just that giving her a hug goodbye before walking to his. If Ari was meant to be he would see her again. And if he did she would not get away for a second time.
The Next Day
Adam woke Ari up early that morning to send her to the store to pick up a few things. He wanted her to cook breakfast for his men. His men she hated everything about them. The fact that they were always around and leaving a mess. She wondered how long Adam would be in this funny business he was in. As her mind wondered to other things she bumped into something solid. Looking up into those familiar eyes she stepped back stunned. Lance. They stood in silence for a moment just soaking each other in........

Monday, August 5, 2013

A pt 8

" Are you ok?" A friendly voice asked. Creed looked up into the eyes of Ari. Finally she found her and she was here in the flesh. Like meeting your favorite celebrity. " I'm fine thank you." Ari helped her to her feet. " I just felt a sharp pain in my stomach." " Maybe you should go to the hospital...that's where I just came from." " Really why?" " I fell down some stairs." Creed knew that was a lie. " You should be more careful...I'm Creed." " Ari." They shook hands. " Nice meeting you Creed but I must be going now." She was about to walk away. " Wait Ari I'm new in town and I was wondering if you could show me around". " I don't know to much about Bridgeport myself." " Well we can find out about Bridgeport together." " Sure." Ari wondered why Creed was pushy to hangout. " Great we can meet here in about two hours." " Great." Creed walked out happy. Was she making a friend?
" Where is  Ari?" Kane asked Adam. " Oh she's coming up now." " Man you really don't love her do you?" " Ari....she is just a fall back person. I don't really want her anymore but I rather keep her then someone else having her." " Cold man". " What's with all the questions? Do you have your eye on her or something?" " No." " Alright then.

The sound of the bell rung. The doors opened to four demonic creatures in the form of sims. Slowly they walked from the elevator and entered Raven's apartment. " Thank you Crystal, Skylar, Laurie, Camden, and Nessa for joining me today. You all have been brought here to search for a member. The best of the best. As you all know Raven has escaped and I want her back. I don't care how long it takes....I want her found and killed."
Ari walked in the door quiet. She would never forgive her so called husband for putting her in the hospital. He was suppose to love her and the beatings were getting worse. With out a word she went to the room and laid down.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

A pt 7

Creed woke that morning to a slight headache. What happened last night. The only thing she could remember was ordering that drink Big Mistake. Big mistake. The last face she saw was a man name Demos. Demos! Looking down she saw she was fully naked. No. Did she? No one was in the bed. Jumping from the bed she ran to the bathroom to look at herself. She almost jumped out of her skin when she realized what the night did to her. All the blood flushed from her skin making her look pale, her hair was all askew, and she had dark circles under her eyes. ~" Ok you had your night of fun lets remember why we are here"~. After a nice long shower she went to her computer to report in. As soon as the laptop opened a message came in. :: Did you arrive in Bridgeport yet?:: :: I have arrived in Bridgeport and found her building. Today I will try to find her and try to befriend her:: She read her response a few times before sending.
Demos arrived home. He walked in to be greeted by Camden. " Master we have to talk." " About?" " It's urgent." " Then say it ." " It's Raven she escaped." Demos stopped in his tracks. " What do you mean she escaped?" " She was gone when I went to check on her this morning." " How can you escape from a prison where there is no way of escaping!" He walked off livid. Camden watched as he walked away smiling. He was the one that let her go.
Finally sweet release. Thanks to Camden her inside man. She watched as her prison started to fade from her body. Now all there was to do was to lay low for a while. Demos was a smart man and leader of the underworld.
Creed finally arrived to Ari's building standing in the lobby hoping to get a glimpse of her. Maybe the mailboxes would help to know what floor she was on. As she was taking a look Adam passed her getting on the elevator. The bell sound brought her attention to his face. Just before the door closed she instantly remembered him from the pictures. He was just a older version. To late to follow him. Looking up she saw the number stop at 12. Thank you Adam. Before she could celebrate her new discovery a sharp pain went through her stomach. Crouching over in pain she dropped to the floor. The pain was so intense it was hard to breathe. Closing her eyes tight she rocked slow trying to ease the pain. As quick as it came it was gone like nothing happened. What was that?

A pt 6

Adam paced the floor waiting for his worker arrival. ( Kane walked in) " Good your back what did the doctors say...she dead?" " No she's fine but you did knock her out good. She should be up by tomorrow...good thing you let her go when you did or she would be dead." Kane took a seat turning the TV on. " I thought we would have to be on the run. The organization can not use a death so close to the inside." " Does Ari even know about us?" " No and I want to keep it that way. I have her believing I'm looking for work. You don't know how bad I want to spend in getting another place but I don't need her questioning me." " You may need to move know now. Your name is buzzing in the streets."
Something wasn't right he could feel it. Why did he have to open his big mouth to Ari and chase her off. She would have been here right now playing darts with him. Hell living with him. At least he would know she was safe. Lance threw his last dart to the floor deciding to give up the game hoping it would get his mind off of Ari but it didn't help. Maybe some sleep would help.
Needing a drink Creed went to the nearest bar called Waylon's. She needed a stiff drink after her long flight. The place wasn't to live with people. Taking a seat at the bar she pulled out some papers with Ari's information. " What can I get you miss?" the bartender asked. " I'm not sure what's good....new in town." " Big mistake." " Big mistake what?" He laughed. " No we have a drink called Big mistake." " Why do you call it that?" " Once you drink it you wish you didn't. Its real popular around here with the men but I don't think you could handle it." Creed never liked to be told what she couldn't do. " I'll take the Big Mistake then." The bartender walked away shaking his head.
Going through her papers looking at Ari she was interrupted by a gentlemen. " Seat taken?" She looked up to a very sickly pale man in black. The creak from the old door when you come in would have surely signaled his presence. Strange. " Oh no have a seat." Smoothly he sat down leaning on the bar. " So what are you drinking on tonight?". " Something called a Big Mistake." The Bartender then came back with her drink. The drink was multicolored. " Here's your drink." " Maybe this was a big mistake" she said giving the glass a awkward stare. Both men laughed. " What will it be?" " I'll take what she's having. Again the bartender was gone. " I have never seen you here before you must be new." " I just got in town not to long ago." " What brings you here to the big B." " Looking for a friend. I have not seen her in a while" she lied. " I knew it had to be a reason sims don't move to the B by choice." " That's a little harsh for your hometown." " Bridgeport?...No I come from some place far away." She took a sip of the drink making a face. " The drink to strong for you?" " No it's actually pretty good." " I didn't catch your name." " Creed and you are?" " Demos." They shook hands.
A few Big Mistakes later somehow ended up with them back at her apartment. Now she knew why they called it big mistake. This was so wrong on so many levels but it had been awhile since she had a trip to the bed. This was what she needed. When he laid her down on the bed all of her thoughts went away.....
Ari opened her eyes to bright light shining. Was she dead? Looking around she realized she was not home. " Ahh Mrs. Downs your up. How do you feel?" A doctor asked walking in. Trying to get up a massive pounding ringed in her head causing her to lay back down. " You might want to rest a while your still recovering." " Recovering from what?" She then remembered the events that took place. " Your friend brought you in and said you slipped and feel down some stairs." That was a joke. " I'm I ok?" " You will be fine. I just want to run a few more test to see if that nasty fall triggered anything. Before you go I'll give you some pills that you can take in case the head ache does not go away. In the meantime just relax and get some sleep. Try to be careful next time." How could happen. Here she was in the hospital because of her husband. Then Lance's words danced in her head. He was right. Maybe next time she won't be so lucky. Lance. She missed him. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

A pt 5

Ari arrived home to find the door open. " Adam! I'm home...I want to apologize for earlier." The apartment was to small to have to look for him. He wasn't home. Going to the bathroom she went to the mirror to fix herself up before he got home. Not long after she heard the door knob turn so she ran to greet him.
This was Bridgeport. Finally the trail ends here after so long of searching. Ari was so close yet far. What would she say? The important thing was she made it here.
" Adam your home! I wanted to apologize for yesterday." He stood still in place not saying a word. " I should have never done that...you were only thinking about me." Still no words. " Adam say something please." Walking towards her anger danced on his face. " Don't ever leave me again!"
" I won't I'm sorry Adam!" " You want to know what will happen if you do it again!" " No please don't hit me!" She ran towards the bedroom to avoid the punches. No match for his long legs he caught up hitting her on the back of her head. A sharp pain filled her head as she fell to the floor by the bed.
Her vision foggy she watched as her husband the man that was suppose to love her get on top of her.
Without pause his hand wrapped around her neck. Tears streaming down she begged him to stop. Ari fought the best she could until she felt herself weaken. Life was slipping away. This was it. To die by the hands of the man she changed her whole life for. With no control her whole life flashed before her leading up to this very moment. Strange thing was the last person she thought about before everything went black was Lance.
Adam finally let go. Looking down he saw Ari under his weight looking lifeless. What did he do? It was as if he blacked out. Getting up screaming her name he gripped her in his arms. " Ari!! wake up please!! Ari!!".
Creed arrived to Ari's building. ~ " This is the place?" ~ she spoke out loud to herself. Somehow in her gut she knew this was the right. Hopefully Ari didn't take long to show. Then the faint sound of sirens began to ring. Not even in town two seconds and already some sim was being taken to the hospital.

Friday, August 2, 2013

A pt 4

" This is your place? I thought you stayed where I was." Following behind her he made a face. " About that...I couldn't stay there when I found out my training would be for a year...so I didn't really care about my surroundings." She never seen so many beautiful things in one place. " Lance this is truly beautiful." " You can stay however long you like." This is your view?! You wake up to this every morning?" She stepped outside on the balcony to take in the city.
" Its so amazing!". " You can see everything from here."
" I want to thank you again for back there at the bridge. You really saved my life." " I would do it a million times really." She grabbed his hands. " And that kiss...it shouldn't have happened. I'm sorry." Maybe she didn't feel what he felt. " No it was my fault but it won't happen again." " I am still married." He let go not wanting to push his limits. " Are you tired or hungry?" " Tell you the truth I'm a bit of both." " Well how about I treat you to the spa and then out to eat." " Lance really that's sweet but that would be taking advantage." " If I'm offering then your not trust me you deserve this." " Lance." " No is not a option Ari". " Fine."
 The spa was more then she could ever ask for.
" Sorry about that bladder calls" she smiled taking a seat. " How do you feel?". " Like I could sleep for a thousand years". It was good to hear her laugh. She stopped when she saw he was looking at her. " What?" " Its just nice to see you smile. You must not know how beautiful you are." " I haven't heard that in a long time." " Can I ask you a question?" " Sure". " Why are you married to him if he beats you?" " Knew that was coming... Adam is all I know. I met him when I was a teen and I fell in love with the devil. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about leaving him for good but then I remember I'm all he has. His parents left him and never came back so I am his family. And I know if I left him....he would die." " But don't you value your life? I mean what if the next time he wont use his hands and its something else? I don't want to lose you Ari" His words stunned her. Maybe being this close to him wasn't a good thing. " Maybe I should get back home now and check on him." " I'm sorry Ari but in this little bit of time I have come to care for you." In her heart she felt the same way but she knew this was wrong. " Lance we have to end this before things get to far." " What! I promise I won't say anything else about it...just please stay in my life!" he practically screamed getting attention from everyone outside. " I'm sorry Lance." In a hurry she got up from the table and ran off.....
" Hello". " Ms. Youngblood you fooled me again." " Master I did the job like you asked." " Yes leaving behind a trail of bodies in your wake! I'm watching your handy work on the news now." She walked over to the TV turning it on. " Your a threat to our world we are not to be known." " But I disposed of the victim." " Silence! You have done enough! I think you know what this means...." The line went dead. Looking around in fear she wondered if he was in her apartment....
In panic she walked around trying to see if she could find him. " Looking for me?" She paused scared of what would happen next. " I must say I will never figure out why they play this...foot-ball. I should have trusted Nessa about you. But we wont have this problem anymore will we?" " ...." He laughed. Her body was frozen. " Hell got your tongue?" Standing to his feet walking over to her he laughed some more until coming face to face with her. " A thousand years give or take..." Within a blink of an eye he was gone leaving her stuck. Then a burning sensation started at her feet working its way up engulfing every inch of her body.....
She wanted to scream from the pain but she had no voice. This would be her prison but not for long............